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Through the Eyes of Women

For nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

Luke 1:37-38

Watch Session One: Jesus Equips the Ordinary

You can tell a lot about a person by who surrounds them. Jesus was surrounded by both men and women, and the women around him were faithful friends. He was encircled by women who knew him, who learned from him, who raised him, and who trusted him. These women followed and sacrificed, they cried out and asked questions, they believed and did the unbelievable. These women were ordinary but made extraordinary by Jesus. He lifted them up, raised up their voices, healed their bodies, and placed upon them value, worth, and authority. He loved these women, and he loves you. Each of these women was uniquely created and called to a specific purpose in the life of Jesus as well as for the sake of those in their communities and even for us today.

favored one

First among these women was Mary, Jesus’s mother. Mary, who had no accolades or family line. Mary, whose identity was “highly favored.” In Luke 1, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Joseph are all given identities that have to do with their family names as well as their character and social situations. Mary is simply called “highly favored” or “favored one”—twice (Luke 1:28, 30)! Mary’s identity is repeated as she receives the news that she will carry the Son of the Most High. Mary saw her identity through the eyes of God. As the angel repeated her identity to her, so we often need our identity repeated to us: beloved, delighted in, created in God’s image and so much more.

rooted surrender

As Mary was strengthened in identity and rich in faith, she chose surrender to God (Luke 1:46–55). She said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). She chose surrender and trust. She believed that whatever God said, God would do. The surrender is found in “let it be” and the trust is found in “according to your word.” She trusted who God said he was, and she trusted that God would fulfill his Word. Mary had a humble confidence. Like Mary, our surrender is rooted in believing God’s Word. Do we know and believe God’s words to us?

our names

Mary’s identity was grounded in how God saw her. Yours is the same. How does God see you? What does God call you? Do you hear it? Can you see it? God’s Word says many things about you and your name. The psalmist talked about how his soul knew God’s works were wonderful (Psalm 139:13–14). How about you? Does your soul know that God’s works are wonderful? Or do you use different names for yourself? Names that shame. Names that turn you in on yourself. Names that destroy you from the inside out.

Mary’s identity was grounded in how God saw her. Yours is the same. How does God see you?


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What the Women Saw

Daily Question

What names do you use to identify yourself? If there are names that aren’t from God, ask him to replace those names with truth so you might know your name and be able to respond to him with the humble confidence of Mary.

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Comments (10)

I am God’ daughter, His servant, and I am forever grateful for being saved,, forgiven, and knowing that Jesus truly loves me. I will be his servant and I will be free as He laid his life down for me to give me that priveledge and honor

I feel I fail God in so many ways. Faltering faith instead of faithful. A believer but not believing without doubt. I don’t want to be the wish washy Christian, I want my faith to shine through in everything that I do. I want to embrace God’s love for me and let go of the feelings of doubt and anxiety that drift into my thoughts on a daily basis! If I truly believed Gods word then i wouldn’t feel this way, so I need to seek His face daily, consistently, and believe that I am truly a child of God, forgiven of my sins past, present and future!

God calls me his daughter, his friend, free, accepted, redeemed, a new creation, forgiven, blame less and chosen.

My given name is Manuela, which means "God with us". God is with us, so He is with ME. I am called "the one surrounded by God’s presence".

The names God calls me by are:
Anabelle- lovable
Seeker – for I always seek more of Him
Confidant – for He can confide in me

(There was another name He calls me, but I just can’t remember it right now…)

I call myself many names (roles & titles – wife, mother, sister, daughter & so forth). Sometimes I call myself stupid, inferior, lazy, and such. I know the latter are not names God calls me, nor does He see me that way. But sometimes they just seem to fit who I am at that moment.

I’ve asked this too many times… How You see me, God? What do You think about me? What was in Your mind when You created me? He says that I am loved, beautiful… You are beautiful, my dear, there is not harm on you… And now I cant see it. I am beautiful!

Sadly, I have chosen to call myself “loaner” by choosing to not be a casual friend to most people. I am kind, compassionate, helpful, but not one to become a close friend. Since my divorce 25 years ago and raising my sons, I only get out for helping my Mom, going to church, and work. I know I am a daughter of the King, and a part of His inheritance, and choose to totally believe that.

Since I have found Jesus, I accept that I am loved unconditionally and valued beyond what is seen. I am precious in His sight. I am love, joy, and beauty. I am treasured for who I am. God doesn’t see all the shaming labels I put on myself. He sees me as He would have me be.

Wife, daughter, mother, aunt, Sometimes I call myself stupid, ugly, fat. It makes my husband so mad when I do that. It is hard to see myself as smart and beautiful.

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