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Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Psalm 62:8
Stay Book Cover

Enneagram, StrengthsFinder, Myers-Briggs, DISC, or any other personality or motivational assessment will tell you we’re are all so very different. Not only are we different within, we have experiences that have shaped us, skills we have developed, and years of life that have taught us. Some of us are question askers, others of us are storytellers. Some of us dig for detail while others want the big picture of where we are going. Our uniqueness does not stop with our relationship with God. We bring it with us to Jesus as well.

Mary and Martha were different sisters—same family, very different women. And Jesus welcomed their uniqueness as they processed the death of their brother, their disappointment with Jesus, and what was to come.

They exclaimed the same truth to Jesus (John 11:21, 32) yet followed it with different actions. Martha shared words, questions, and dialogue. Mary brought her tears and fell down before Jesus. Jesus responded to these sisters exactly where they were.

jesus met them

Martha came with her words, thoughts, and questions. Jesus dialogued with Martha about theology, faith, and resurrection. Their interaction led Martha to make a statement of faith, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world” (John 11:27). Before the resurrection of Lazarus, Martha again had an opportunity to affirm her faith (John 11:39–40).

Mary came full-body, with tears. Her release of grief and confusion was both emotional and physical. Jesus met her with his own tears… Jesus met her with his own tears as well as his anger at death itself (John 11:35, 38). The release of his own tears, his anger, and his emotions led the surrounding community to exclaim, “See how he loved him!” (John 11:36).

staying with jesus

Throughout the story you can’t help but wonder, why didn’t Jesus just heal Lazarus? Why did he wait for both the women to express their disappointment? Why did he linger?

He previously indicated that this all was bigger than what was happening in the present. He talked about resurrection and life and belief and glory, but why not go ahead and show Martha his power right away, or dry Mary’s tears right away (John 11:4, 15, 42)? Why did he let them grieve? Why did he himself grieve?

Truly, the ways of God are a mystery, and this mystery does not always bring us comfort. Yet, the invitation we see in this story is that God is a God who enters our story and stays there. God is a God who is willing to hear our questions, to wrestle with us, to patiently care for us. God is a God who is willing to feel the depth of emotion, anger at death, and sadness at loss. He is a God who is with us. And this God invites us to stay with him in our disappointments, our questions, our tears, and whatever we uniquely bring.


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What the Women Saw

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Jesus Enables the Faithful

Daily Question

Seeing how Jesus stayed with the sisters, how does he want to stay with you? Is there an area of your life he has been quiet about, or unmoving?

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Comments (12)

How does Jesus want to stay with me? When I am out in nature, mostly in solitude. I find myself seeking and finding solace in being alone with Jesus. I look for Him in the simple, in the rebirth of Spring, in the wildlife, the sunshine, the warm breezes, the flowers.

When I look at the Blue Sky, I can feel Gods presence. Jesus wants me to stay there in that moment of aw!
I feel there is more for me to do with this Life time & I’m staying still waiting on Jesus to answer my prayers.
Even if I don’t understand all the challenges, I do believe he is working as we speak.

"Let it be to me according to your word" Mary

In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

I so want God to woo my son to relationship with him. To help him with the direction for his life. He remains quiet and I try patiently to wait trusting in his timing and knowing it may not be the answer I want .

I know it’s God’s will that none should be lost and I have prayed for years for some dear friends and relatives along with sharing with them his love. I’ll keep going but it doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to happen.

Me, too, Jody. Trusting in His timing and His love. And continuing to press on in prayer.

I don’t hear much from Him about my health. Amyloidosis. Really high B12. A huge cluster of seemingly random symptoms. How long will COVID19 keep me from the assessments and treatment that I need?

I think that Jesus wants to show us the different types of support that we may need depending how we are handling the circumstance that is in front of us. He is a God that wants t support us during all of life’s ups and downs.I think in the season that i am in now where i feel like things are good and God is by my side and helping me with all the little things that i have going on in my life

I have been feeling such a presence from God lately. Even as trials or victories come, he has been faithful in providing and proving himself. He sees the grief and the rejoicing, and he has made his compassion known through our brothers and sisters in Christ. He is so steadfast!

I think this story is about the glory of God…to display His glory. God weaves more into this opportunity to remind us this life we live is all about Him but even though….he cares for us and is with us. It makes you want to share with others all about him even more! It is also a sweet reminder that you can trust him completely no matter the outcome. We can trust in him and in his purpose wholeheartedly.

Jesus wants to stay with me as I come out of a dark time of depression, and begin a new chapter in my life and my new business. I am connecting with many new friends and I am seeking his guidance in connecting with others through my writing. I have been feeling stuck using this gift, and here he has been quiet. I took a 60 day break from all social media and now that I am back on it, I want to use it well.

Right now, I am having a problem with the different attitudes people have been displaying on Covid-19.

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