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Love Begets

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1
Love Begets Book Cover

Have you ever wondered what the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit—were doing in eternity past? Before the galaxies, before the earthworms, before the giraffes, what was the triune God doing? C. S. Lewis would say, “In Christianity, God is not a static thing—not even a person—but a dynamic, pulsating activity, a life, almost a kind of drama. Almost, if you will not think me irreverent, a kind of dance.” In other words, God—the three persons—danced around each other in self-donating, loving relationships. God lacked nothing. Within the Trinity was perfect love, goodness, relationship, and joy. So, why did God make us?

love gives

Love has a tendency to give. Boy meets girl, they start a relationship. That relationship begets a marriage.

Families grow and so on. The overflow of the triune’s love gives creation. And, at the culmination of all of creation, sitting at the top above the moon and sun, the good Niagara Falls, the good stegosaurus, was the best of all of God’s creation: humanity. Out of the goodness of the triune relationship, God made humans in his image.

He created male and female to have dominion and to rule over all of creation. We had perfect fellowship with God, and we enjoyed the figs from the trees, patting the lion on the head, and the coolness of the river on our bare feet as we walked through Eden. We also enjoyed each other. Adam and Eve, our first parents, lived without anxiety, despair, jealousy, hatred, and fear. God made the world and everything in it, and it was good.

gospel starts here

When we think about the gospel, we should train our minds to go back to the very beginning. The gospel begins with God, then humanity, then sin. We tend to bypass the first two on a race to get to the bad news. Yet, the gospel is good news. We celebrate that God created out of love, not need. We celebrate that God created out of goodness, not loneliness. We celebrate that God created out of joy, not boredom. And, we celebrate that we bear God’s image. Humanity—though separate from God, since he is creator and we are creation—still maintains the ability to do God-like things: create, love, divest of power, dance, commune with others, and so forth. Humans, in a partnership with God, rule, reign, and seek the good of the world around us. In the fabric of our humanity, God infused us with the ability to do beautiful, redemptive, and meaningful things.

We celebrate that God created out of love, not need. We celebrate that God created out of goodness, not loneliness. We celebrate that God created out of joy, not boredom. And, we celebrate that we bear God’s image.

The next time you think about the gospel or share it with someone, put on your dancing shoes and consider the Trinity orbiting in self-donating loving relationship. The gospel starts with God, and so should we.


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The Good Gospel

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Daily Question

When you consider that God made you from an overflow of love and goodness and made you to be like him, how does this inform your self-image? How do you see yourself imaging God in your life?

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Comments (11)

This helps me understand that I was created for a purpose. I have struggled my entire life to understand why He would have allowed me to be born or what my purpose is.

The abundance of love is so important to me, that God loves so much that he wanted to create more. Not that he needed to but WANTED to. Since we are in God’s image, it make me believe that we are to love outwardly in a way that is above keeping track of what one did for someone. This just builds my self-image that I’m created for so much more and helps me strive each day. I can see myself imaging God when I am with friends family and community because I just want to reach out to them and show love. I see myself as a peace maker, in my friend group I am always trying to justify why someone did something, Showing that we can not justify our sin away and then persecute someone else for their sin. In my everyday life I absolutely love working with kids, the innocents that stream from them is so enlightening to me. I love sharing with them who God is and telling them just how much God loves them.

To consider that God made me from an overflow of love and goodness and made me to be like him; totally changes how I see myself. Because before Christ I hated my own reflection due to my sin and the sin that surrounded my entire life that I had no control over. I thought that sin defined who I was, so when I looked at myself in the mirror, that is what I saw – the ugliness of sin. I strive to correct my thinking with thoughts from God allowing him to speak truth to me. So I can confidently look at myself and say “wow look at how beautiful God has transformed me to be” seeing Christ more than seeing myself.
I see myself imaging God in my life by the gifts and abilities God has given me. I love to create – to draw, to paint, to make music. I also live to serve people, so when I am involved with my church and I am serving the community I see God loving on his children. When I deny my own thoughts and feelings and show love and forgiveness to someone I don’t think deserves it but God does, that is imaging God.

This makes me feel valued and worthy even more so, to consider how God created and made me EXACTLY who I am. I honor him best by treating myself well, by living in good health and good mind, by living with good intentions and helping self and others find and see him, and by loving forward.

Thanks for the reminder that the Gospel starts with love and starts with creation! I can rejoice that God is an artist who is passionate about his work, including me and every image bearer. I am loved, desired, cherished and created to enjoy the Lord and the work of His hands. This knowledge fills me up so I am ready to pour into those around me with the love, creativity and joy given to me by Him first!

God is love.. He created us in His image (love), out of love.. wow! This makes me feel like I am His beloved daughter and I can trust Him. Out of all the things He’s created, He created us in His image.. ?

I never thought of myself in Partnership with God. God is the CEO, but I am His VP sort of the messenger creator to and for the world!

God is my biggest fan and life coach. He wants the best for me. In order to follow him I must remind myself of the gospel daily and remember that he is Love. I feel valued by God knowing that he created me in love and goodness, and the enemy cannot take that away from me

Though I try to act out of love, there are times that I am selfish and think of my needs first. This is a reminder of God’s intentions for his greatest creation, man in his image.

All I can do is work towards more excellence in my walk with God. It is humbling to see how much love is there. Can we love like that? We can only press on towards the mark of the high calling (Phillipians 3:14).

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