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What is the New Testament?

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Romans 1:16-17
What is the New Testament? Book Cover

Who is Jesus? What was it like to follow in his footsteps? What was his message? To whom was it given? Who believed? What is the connection between the narrative and prophecy of the Old Testament and the gospel (good news) of the New Testament?

The New Testament, twenty-seven books written in Greek between AD 50 and 100, reveals the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s promise of a savior—Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John use eye-witness accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s promise of the one who would save us from sin and death. And the rest of the New Testament chronicles the spread of Christianity in the first-century world. Together, the Gospels and letters of the New Testament offer wisdom and hope for Christ-followers living in a broken world. And that hope will be fully realized when Jesus returns, as promised in the final book of Revelation.

The ministry of Jesus isn’t just something to be observed. There is a call to action found throughout the New Testament. Jesus called his followers to go into the all the world, making disciples (Matthew 28:19–20). The book of Acts records those first missionary journeys and church plants. Led by Paul and Peter, the earliest believers in Jesus as Messiah set out to share the good news of salvation and to equip local groups of Christians with truth for living transformed by Jesus.

And so, the church was born.

As we know well, throwing off the sin that so easily entangles us and running with Jesus is hard. We get tripped up by tradition. Beset by bad habits. Discouraged by doubts. Caught up in comparison. Worn down by worldliness. And the early church did too; we see it played out all through the New Testament.

Paul and the first evangelists didn’t just covert Christians and move on. They continued to equip and encourage. The letters that follow the Gospels were written to specific groups of Christ-followers within the first hundred years after Jesus’s life and resurrection. In them, we see that the Christian life is only successfully lived when it is empowered by the Holy Spirit and lived within the context of community. In these letters, we find the answers to questions we should never stop asking. What is church life supposed to look like? How are we supposed to engage with unbelievers? How do we admonish the wayward brother or sister in Christ? In what do we place our hope? What awaits us in eternity?

The fulfillment of this last question is breathtakingly displayed in the Bible’s final book, Revelation. In it, God promises that one day there will be no more sin and sorrow, only light and life—Revelation gives us the hope we need to press on.


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How to Read Your Bible

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Understanding the Bible

Daily Question

What steps can you take so that your engagement with God’s Word leads to ever-increasing spiritual maturity?

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Comments (10)

I have found that the more time I spend in prayer to God, the more I feel his spirit moving me to read his word. I can make up so many excuses for why I don’t read my Bible. The biggest being “I don’t have time”, then I spend 3 hours binge watching Netflix. I have found that when I cut some of the distractions out of my life I am better about reading Gods word.

Reading it faithfully studying what it says by comparing different versions. As we study and get to know our Heavenly Father via studying we become more mature in our relationship with our LORD JESUS and our HEAVENLY FATHER ❤️

Trusting in God’s word and obeying are the steps I need to take to develop maturity! Using His word as my first resource in every minute and every decision and every situation! Remembering that “His word is living and active” Hebrews 4:12 Glory to God!

I need to look more to Jesus and to God for answers about my life and where it’s going!! I need to be more excepting that I’m not always going to get things close to right!!! I don’t always have to have it altogether it’s ok to be perfectly imperfect!!!!!

I think participating in this Bible study is probably the strongest, foundational step I can take in engaging with God’s word. By slowing down and reading passages in whole, focusing on the words and message, not only is my knowledge increasing but my relationship with Christ is deepening as I continue to observe, interpret, and apply the daily passages.

I need to go back to the basics, God’s word, His promises, His message instead of relying on others (humans) for guidance in a lost world. I need to trust that His word will speak clearly to me if I meet him with a faithful, humble, obedient heart.

Look to God’s Word not just in difficult times but also in good times. Pray before reading God’s Word so you can hear Him speak to you.

Intentionally memorizing Scripture so that when I am nudged by the Holy Spirit I can move on Gods behalf to further the Kingdom of God here on earth. Moving in truth means the change is in a solid foundation that won’t be moved!

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