IF:Military 1-Day Host? Start here.
We are so excited you are gathering on your military base or in your community to host an IF:Local! IF:Military is for all active duty, spouses, reservists and retirees–serving in all branches and ranks of the US Military.
We are working to serve you better than we ever have.
For you, we have:
- Created an IF:Military Host Guide with all of the most important information.
- Offered 50% off the hosting fee for military hosts! –> Right here.
- Made improvements to our Registration System so it is more user friendly. View the Registration Checklist before you get started.
- Created templates for you to build your own custom graphic – Learn More.
- Created graphics, email headers, flyers, and more resources for you to use to promote your event. Find it all here!
- Put together a Mood Board of the theme and decor for this year’s event.
- Created an Event Checklist with the event schedule and final details you need for hosting.
- Provided Conversation Cards to help facilitate meaningful conversation.
- Created additional Interview Questions if you are looking to add an interview to your 1-Day program.
Are you ready?