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Tuesday night was so much fun! Many of you joined us from across the world. Thank you! We can’t wait to do it again. If you were unable to make it, Jennie shared some big next steps in the vision for IF:Gathering. We are excited to share all of it with you:


“This is us… In our generation… In our day.
Owning our place and taking responsibility for our people.”

“We don’t want you to buy into the ‪IF:gathering‬.
We are bought into YOU!”

“Simple and pure. I think we can come together,
and I think we can love each other as the body of Christ.”


What God has made clear is that this vision is big and we need you. Here are the next steps laid out:


1. Become an IF:Local Leader

We are looking for women around the globe to mark their place to take initiative for the good of those around them and for the glory of God. Sign up and mark your spot once you have listened to the vision cast.

If you know of women in other cities around the world that may be interested, would you forward this email to them?

Let’s fill it up. Sign up here.


2. Gather city leaders for the next IF:Table

Sunday, August 10th (or whatever times work for you that week) gather 5 other leaders from around your neighborhood, community, or city (dream big). Work to make it a diverse group- whether it is diverse in denomination, age, or place. Begin to dream and plan for how God might use you in your city. More information and resources coming in the next 2 weeks.




3. Gather your people to Pray

Our hope is that with the women you gather for IF:Table in August plan an IF:Prayer gathering that will be held on Tuesday, September 23 in your local context. Around the world women will pray on the same night asking God to awaken us to an understanding of His will for our cities and how He could use us. More information and resources coming in the next 2 weeks.


What Is IF:Gathering?

We seek to come alongside the local church to gather, equip and unleash women to live for the glory of God and the good of others in their local contexts.


And just for fun… IF:Gathering 2015

Mark your calendars for February 6-7, 2015 for the next IF:Gathering and start dreaming about how to reach your city! Registration for IF:Local & IF:Austin will go live September 30th.

feb 6-7