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Friends —

We have a lot of new and exciting news to share with you. The vision God has given IF has become even bigger since the last time we communicated with you. I ask that you please take a couple of minutes to watch this video and to catch the weightiness and the excitement of what God has laid on our hearts.

Please watch all of this to hear what God has been up to:


Click here to play.

In February, we are turning on the cameras live for our very first event. This feels very vulnerable and may be a little messy but we think what we all are craving is not a fancy perfect event but for God to move. We will come together as women from around the country and eventually around the globe to pray and begin to dream about the things God wants to do in and through us as a generation of women.

We’re offering you two ways to join us this February when registration opens:

IF : Local

We don’t want to limit this gathering to a venue in Austin. We are throwing open the doors, and inviting you to join us via webcast. Gather with your friends, neighbors or others in your community and join us virtually. You will still need to register – and we ask that you give what you can to support the vision of IF. Then in the next several weeks and months, we will send you ideas and resources for our time together.

IF : Austin

For the Austin gathering, we are eliminating the set ticket price, and asking you to partner with us, by giving what you can to the vision of IF. We ask that you join us in praying for God to provide the funds for us to turn the lights on!

Trust us friends, we want to open registration as badly as you do, but we must push back registration to October 14 in order to put an entirely new ticketing system in place to fit the new vision. We are sorry to those of you who are waiting to make travel and housing arrangements. However, we hope you take this time to pray about how you will gather with us in February. Maybe instead of traveling to Austin, you gather friends, co-workers, and neighbors in your home to participate in our live webcast.

We want God to tear down walls and to bring people together through authentic humility and vulnerability. That is our heart, and we know that one or two physical gatherings is not the vehicle to accomplish that. It is going to take a diverse group of brave women bringing other women together to accomplish this. Pray with us that God will call out these leaders and build a restlessness in our generation for unity in our time.

Our bigger vision is even more expensive than before, and we need each of you to consider taking the next step and supporting our vision of gathering, equipping and unleashing women in this country and around the globe.

If this resonates with you, please consider giving to IF : Gathering (click here to give). We are a registered non-profit in the state of Texas, currently seeking 501(c)3 status. All donations will go towards the cost of the gathering. And once bills are paid and we raise more than we need, we will fund projects empowering women around the world. 
 In faith,

Jennie & The IF : Gathering Team

P.S. Help spread this bigger vision for IF on Facebook and Twitter.