That’s How Freedom Grows: An Update from IJM
Wow. We were absolutely overwhelmed with awe and gratitude by how God showed up at IF:Gathering 2016 this year. We are so moved by how many of you have committed to enter into the fight to end slavery. Now, you are part of the story of bringing rescue and freedom to thousands of unknown faces and names. We believe, as with Anjali, God will redeem lives and show us extraordinary transformation.
We dreamed of reaching 1,200 new Freedom Partners from IF:Gathering in Austin and the IF:Locals around the world, but we underestimated the passion, determination and generosity of a powerful group of women determined to see slavery come to an end in their lifetime.
Over 2,800 of you signed up to walk with us in the journey to freedom, and we’re now over $1 million stronger in the battle to end slavery.
That’s what happens when the good guys (gals) gang up, when we work together to commit to something larger than ourselves and when we sign up to be God’s hands and feet in the world.
Together, we will be making a palpable, tangible difference in the lives of people like Gowri, Lyna, and Clarisa.
But the work is just beginning.
What’s next? Please take 2 minutes to sign the End Modern Slavery Initiative petition. This will let your congressional leaders know it’s important to you to support life-saving legislation to combat slavery.
We also invite you to dive deeper with your own church communities by leading a Just Courage Study Group. You’ll learn more about God’s heart for justice and how to use your life, as well as lead others to bring freedom to others through this thought-provoking study. (Download a digital copy of the study here. Buy extra copies of Just Courage here.)
Connect with your local Church Mobilization Director:
•Eddie Kaufholz ([email protected]) – Florida
• Jeff Hancock (starts on 4/18) ([email protected]) – Southeast
• Richard Lee ([email protected]) – Northeast
• Larry Martin ([email protected]) – Midwest
• Mark Moore ([email protected]) – Texas & Indiana
• Jocelyn White ([email protected]) – West (North of Orange County)
• Joe Farrell ([email protected]) – Mountain Coast (Orange County & below)
As we dig deep into our hearts, our own stories and into God’s word, we are finding ourselves reminded of the verse that Melissa spoke about in Galatians:
Use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom. – Galatians 5:13-15 (MSG)
That is how freedom grows, friends. When we use our freedom to serve each other.
May our desire to see freedom for others bloom out of the freedom we have receive in him as we work to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
Together, let’s bring an end to slavery.
The IJM Team