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IF… God is Real. If our God is who He says He is, then I sure as heck want to be about things that last longer than my minute of a life. And being one that has wasted a lot of hers, I say all of this with great humility and great conviction.

IF Gathering fell into my dreams years ago and has grown as God unfolds his plan here. So while I wish this felt more like a detailed map, IF is more of a gentle compass in our souls.

And I’ll tell you north on our compass. Jesus. This part is clear. And then in the unknowns we are learning to lean in and wait and be led.

We will talk about fears and need and hopes and we will bond as women who love God and want to spend our lives in light of eternity but we exist for one name.

This is not a vision we thought up, we are not a democracy voting on our next steps, we are not diverse voices fighting for a platform, we are not thinkers and leaders and speakers with an agenda to build a new thing.   We are humans on our knees, trembling a little, doing our very best to hear from and obey our God.

IF God is real- THEN we are on one singular mission to live like it with these few days together.

Video                        Click Here to Play.

We are in this because God said for us to be in this. We are in this for Christ’s name to be made great on this earth in our time.

Our mission is clear and and we believe was whispered from Him. And I should say we are getting braver- because we are starting to believe what is true about us:

Our time is short. Our God is big.

What are we afraid of?

Let’s fight and live like crazy women who believe this is true.

Registration is days away from opening. Come. Dream with us about how we could come together and spend our short time here for big things that won’t ever go away.

Let’s get brave together.