Meet Adora Curry – IF: Local Scholarship Winner
Adora Curry – IF:Little Rock
Adora is…
Passionate, Kind, Empathetic, Motivational, Leader
Why is this important that you attend the IF:Local Leader Gathering?
My soul has been stirred by the concept of IF since I first attended a gathering at the Church at Rock Creek in Little Rock, Arkansas. The concept of IF is so simple, yet it’s impact is far-reaching. Last summer, while dining with a group of friends (whom I had not seen in twenty years) I asked them if they would indulge my curiosity, by doing an impromptu IF:Table over dinner. They obliged and we downloaded questions on to my telephone, read the instructions and began. That night, there were laughs, there were tears, there were hugs, AND there were thank you’s. Thank you’s for providing a “safe space” for us to be vulnerable and talk to one another. As we prayed before leaving the restaurant, I began to see clearly, the purpose and power of IF.
I seek to attend the IF:Local Leader Gathering to learn more about IF’s “Big Picture” purpose. I liken the IF:Local Leader Gathering to the “Pinterest” of IF because it is an opportunity for IF:Local leaders (new or experienced) to learn and share innovative ways to bring women together for the purpose of loving God and loving one another. It is my hope to absorb that energy and then share it with women in Little Rock and across the nation.
What are your dreams for your local context?
Words are inadequate when describing the beauty and power of women. When united, our differences in race, ability, and background makes us all the more influential in our households, workplaces, and communities. I see IF:Local as THE VEHICLE for bringing about this unity. While IF is certainly impactful, I oftentimes see photos from IF:Tables across the world that contain tables full of smiling women who virtually look like one another. My dream is to change that, by encouraging more diversity within the gatherings nationwide. Having lived in Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, D.C., and now Arkansas, I would like to use IF:Local as a platform to tear down the barriers and transform the attitudes and views that currently divide the body of Christ. One of my favorite hymns is “Pass It On” by Evie Tornquist. “It only takes a spark to get a fire going . . . ” IF was my spark! Regardless of our differences, now is the time for women everywhere to come together and pass God’s love on!
Want to join Adora and other leaders like her at the IF:Local Leader Gathering?
Spots are still available. Register today!