At IF:Gathering 2017, we introduced you to a beautiful woman named Roce, a Bible translator from the Philippines. If you are about to participate in IF:Local, missed to hearing her story, or want to relive this powerful moment, we invite you to watch it here.

Let us be the generation that saw the Bible translated into the language of every tribe, tongue, and nation.
The Seed Company has set a goal of finding 3,000 new OneVerse partners, which will fully fund all Bible translation projects in Southeast Asia. 650 women have made monthly commitments thus far, so they really need your help to reach these men, women, and children who have never heard God’s truths in their own language.
Become a OneVerse Partner for just $35 a month, and one verse of Scripture each month will be translated into someone’s heart language. Every dollar given to the Seed Company through IF:Gathering will be matched, up to $1.2 million dollars. Your one verse becomes two and, if more women give, imagine how quickly key parts of the Bible will get translated in our lifetime.
There are many more men and women like Roce in Southeast Asia who have heard the Gospel, and God has prepared them ahead of time to do the work of reaching more souls with the love of Jesus. The Seed Company stands ready to equip the Church to do this work in Southeast Asia and beyond, but they need our help. Don’t miss out on being a part of this important work.