Leading Out of Nothing
By: Nancy Jernigan
What happens when God Speaks?
We all come together to hear from God with:
No preconceived ways
No “we have always done it this way”
No detailed structure that has to be followed
No specific rules
It was during our “IF:PRAY” night when I sensed God impressing me to tell the group to “Read My Word”, to “Read the Word of God to get to know me (God) better”. We had been sensing God was calling our group into a greater understanding of who HE is and that he had a message for each of us that night. Earlier we had put together some structure for the night. I had already spoken and Debbie was about to close our time together, so I leaned over and shared with her what I believe God had just laid on my heart. She said, “Got it”. So among other miraculous things happening on this evening, we encouraged each other to spend more time in the God’s Word. That night we prayed, shared meaningful scriptures, lit candles, sang inspiring worship songs, and heard from God – simply profound, thrilling to our hearts!! Prior to our meeting we had been given some ideas and scriptures to follow; yet if you remember we were also encouraged to do what we feel led to do from God. WHAT POWERFUL FREEDOM! This freedom allows God to work mightily and do what he wants to do. It does take discipline to sit, listen and obey God. It is simple but not easy.
This example is just one small way that God is leading out of nothing. From what I hear, our IF:PRAY night looked different than many others across the world. Yet, we also hear there were some similarities. Our small leadership team went to HIM to hear what he wanted for our local group. God has continued speak powerfully to our IF team. Once again, the beauty of what God did is “speak”. He gave us clear direction independent of our agenda. He let us know what he desired. This is what I call “leading out of nothing”. It isn’t actually nothing; but often it truly feels that way. GOD is our leader and the leadership team at IF provides vision, guidelines and applauds dependence on God. This releases us and allows God to move unrestrained.
Responsibility falls on our shoulders to seek God, ask of God, listen to God and actually do what he is asking us to do.
Let me encourage other IF:LOCAL teams to keep listening for God to speak. Be thrilled when Jenni Allen, Lindsey Nobles and the team share ideas to follow. Although, when you feel the ambiguity – and you will continue to feel the ambiguity – go to God to get the details.