IF:Gathering Survey IF:Gathering Survey How old are you?* 13-17 years old 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-54 years old 55-64 years old 65 years or older Complete this sentence: I am spending ____ time on social media than I was before quarantine.* More Significantly more Less Significantly less The same amount of Complete this sentence: I am spending ____ time watching video content than I was before quarantine.* More Significantly More Less Significantly Less The same amount of Complete this sentence: I am spending ____ time listening to podcasts than I was before quarantine.* More Significantly More Less Significantly Less The same amount of Have you ever considered attending seminary?* Yes, I have attended seminary Yes, I have seriously considered Yes, but I have never seriously considered it No If you answered yes to any of the above, why? (If no type n/a)*If you answered yes to any of the above, what held you back? (If no choose n/a)* Time Money N/A If you answered no, why not? (If yes type n/a)*Would you ever consider attending seminary online?* Yes Maybe, but I would need more information No Δ