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New Songs: Taking Every Thought Captive

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8

Watch Week Five, Day Five

Music has staying power in our minds. The songs we hear in the grocery store or during a workout replay themselves later in the day, hours after we have heard them. (Sometimes it is a nice surprise, but other times it is incredibly annoying!)

our soundtracks

A kind of “background music” also replays in our minds—a soundtrack of thoughts. Some of the tracks are no good, yet they are all we have known. What do we do with the soundtracks that tell us we are not good enough, that we should be jealous of others’ gifts and successes, that we should put up walls, ignore other people, and just take care of ourselves? We need to fast-forward, or better yet, delete those harmful tracks.

Today’s reflection will help you find and make new music. Just as any song takes time to create, this will take some time and the power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot write this new song with our own might, strength, or power. Happily, God is a masterful composer. He writes beautiful songs.

First, set aside at least forty-five minutes of quiet and solitude in your day for this exercise.

Though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3–5

pray this prayer

Holy Spirit, I come to You, ready to hear from You. You know I have thoughts and echoes, patterns and songs that have haunted me, led me, and grown deeper in my mind. Help me see these thoughts. Help me confess any sin, and give me the ability to no longer grant harmful thoughts the power they once had. I want to be free to think about what is good, lovely, and of You. Amen.

Next, consider a time you behaved in a way that brought harm, or a time when you withdrew or ignored a person or situation. Repeat this story a couple of times in your mind. Write it down if that is helpful.

Then, considering your story, answer the following questions. Do not move forward with the next question until you have answered the one before it. Take your time.

  • In this situation, what did you believe you had to do and why?
  • What did you believe about yourself?
  • What did you believe about God?
  • What is true or not true about your belief about God? (Use Scripture from this study or others to help you here.)

Considering your answers to these questions, take anything not true about God and ask Him to show you how that thought about Him needs to change. Take anything untrue about yourself and ask Him to show you how that thought needs to change.

After this exercise, spend time in prayer, thanking God, offering any confessions, and believing that in Christ you are forgiven. Ask God to continue to renew your mind as you surrender old songs to Jesus.

Lastly, look for a Scripture that will replace the song in your mind with the truth of who God is, and offer thankfulness to God for His faithful love to you!


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