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Look At Your Master

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Mark 4:39
Look At Your Master Book Cover

look at your master

Any experienced dog trainer will tell you the key to a calm and obedient puppy comes from a strong bond between the master and the canine. When moments of chaos arise—other dogs around, loud knocks at the door, a squirrel in the road—the best-trained dogs look to their owner and take their cues from them. If the master of the dog looks calm and offers, “It’s okay, good boy,” a faithful dog will likely rest its head and ignore the external distractions. If the master looks peaceful, the puppy will follow. Believers would do well to take a page from Fido’s book in this way.

only god calms the storms

Due to the topography of the Sea of Galilee—seven hundred feet below sea level and sloping hills all around it—storms often swelled on the lake. Yet, for a storm to cause such great distress for a group of well-trained fishermen, it must have been a doozy. In the midst of panic and utter chaos, Jesus’s calm mood struck a strong contrast. While the disciples panicked and cried out, Jesus napped. The psalmists have already taught us that only God can master the weather (Psalm 104:3; 135:7; 107:23–30), so when Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves, the gospel writers intended to showcase Jesus’s deity and authority. At the mere mention of the command, the storm ceased immediately, and the disciples went from knocking knees to dropping jaws. After all, only Yahweh holds the power to calm the storms and control the seas. If only God can quell storms, who did that make Jesus?

applied faith

While the disciples might have wanted to throw a party to celebrate surviving the incredible storm, Jesus used the opportunity to teach his disciples a valuable lesson. At this point in the life of Christ, the disciples had seen him do plenty of miraculous things. Their failure in grasping this miracle came not from a lack of initial faith. Instead, they failed because they refused to apply their faith. Like a well-trained pup, disciples of Jesus should have looked to Christ in the midst of chaos and storms. We take our cues from him. He is our peace and provides us with peace through his presence in our storms. When storms in life arise, Jesus promises to stand by our side through them all. One theologian puts it, “It might be deliverance through trial rather than from it,” but either way God expects us to look to him in the storm and trust him.

facing your storms

Scripture reminds us that we will face trials of many kinds (John 16:33). We can relate strongly to the disciples as the winds swirl and the waves topple over the sides of the boat. We know the gut punch of a bad diagnosis, the nausea of betrayal, the ground shaking below us in failure. We should learn from the disciples’ mistakes and keep our eyes on our savior, not our storm.


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Miracles of Jesus

Watch Session Two

Jesus Calms Our Storms

Daily Question

What trials do you face right now? How can Christ’s presence through these trials bring you peace in your chaos?

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Comments (12)

The trial if this pandemic which has affected every part of our lives from our normal routines, to our finances, to our health. During these uncertain times we must put our eyes on Jesus because everything else is like sinking sand. We need to live as Paul said in Philippians 4:12-13: "I know how to get along and live humbly, and I also know how to enjoy abundance and live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret whether well-fed or going hungry, whether having an abundance or being in need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens and empowers me."

Right now during this quarantine, I have my quiet time, but I want to do better with my time. I’ve said before, I suffer from procrastination. I’ve been praying and asking the Lord each day to help me use my time for Him. Each day is different, some days I’m amazed what I’ve done in prayer etc and other days not so good. However,
God has given me peace and joy in each wave and peace in the days I’m not doing so good.

Joyce, I suffer with the exact same thing, procrastination! I’ve learned through today’s lesson, I need to lean on Him more and to know he’s standing next to me with open arms. Thru prayer, I will hopefully have a whole different outlook on putting everything off. You’ll be in my prayers, Joyce.

I just finished going through chemo, I had my lady treatment yesterday…. I feel horrible physically and it is really hard sometimes for me to mentally and emotionally also spiritually stay positive and push through… it just gets so draining and tiring. But I know Jesus is looming over me and has His hands in the doctors, the medicine, in me… and there is purpose in it all…. trusting and having patience is just a struggle at times…

We are still on our long infertility journey and our next cycle has been put on hold due to Covid 19. But the Lord is with me. He knows when the timing is right, and this is clearly not the right time. I need to be still and trust in His timing.

My trials are really holding back and not try to be the "fixer" in my children’s life. I have to be in prayer and Praise God for what he is doing in their lives. I have to stay out of it.

The trials I face right now are toxic people in extended family and dealing with them and not enabling my son. Also trying to to enjoy the benefits of living alone. Christ’s presents can help me remember when I am with these people that have been given to me for a reason and I love plus my son whom I love dearly, He is with me. When my family starts to get on my nerves I can look to Him listen for his direction. Before doing something for my son again I can look to Christ for direction.

I need to keep my eyes on Him instead of the storm. I need to remember all of the times He has walked through storms with me previously, and not try to calm the storm myself give it over to Him.

My daughter’s sobriety and happiness. I want to fix things for her and make her struggles go away even though she is an adult. Also, I’m struggling with raising money for a mission trip while there are other bills that need to be paid. Honestly, these issues don’t literally go away, but I find that when I focus on God and spend time in his word trying to grow my focus changes and I feel comfort and peace. It is so true that the peace he provides goes beyond our understanding. It doesn’t seem to make sense. Satan can’t have his way with my thoughts and worries when I’m focused on Jesus. It’s like Jada said in the video, even when God does not actually calm the storm around you He becomes the peace you long for. I love that word PEACE.

I’m facing health issues realizing that God is a healer . Knowing that he is with me, gives the assurance that I will be ok.

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