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God Remains Faithful

So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

Genesis 6:7
God Remains Faithful Book Cover

Hope requires much from us. It requires our affections, our vulnerability, our energy. And even when we give ourselves to it, when we are willing to embrace that in-between-ness of hope, that possibility that things may work out or that they may not, we do so risking what can sometimes be total heartbreak. It’s hard work to hope, because there’s always the possibility our hopes can be dashed.

We can only imagine that Lamech must have known that feeling as he watched his son Noah grow up, not only experiencing the pain of toil himself, but also living in a world that seemed to be turning ever more toward sin. Noah may have been born in hope, but how could hope possibly survive in a world like this?

Genesis tells us that humanity had become so corrupt, so wicked, they entertained “only evil continually” in their hearts (Genesis 6:5). This was a far cry from the garden of Eden in Genesis 1 and 2. Things were so bad that Genesis 6:7 tells us God was grieved “to his heart.” In response, God said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens for I am sorry that I have made them.”

Just as it seems that all hope is lost forever, a little word, three letters long, is introduced into the narrative. And that little word changes everything.

But. B-U-T. It may seem like making too big a deal over three little letters, but the truth is a coordinating conjunction has never looked so good, because this little word marks a big change in direction. Just as we read God had declared he would wipe out all living things, verse 8 continues, “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.”

Now, when we picture Noah, this righteous man who walked with God and was blameless in his generation, it can be easy to imagine a guy who had it “ all together. But the thing about people who seem too good to be true is that they usually are. And Noah was no exception. Noah stood out among his generation for the simple reason that he walked with God, living according to his will. So, while we may be tempted to think Noah’s righteousness earned him God’s favor, that couldn’t be further from the truth. God’s favor is never earned. It is always a gift of grace.

Noah’s father, Lamech, died in hope. It’s a hard reality, and one we’d rather not share, but if Genesis 6 teaches us anything, it’s that our hope need not be in vain. God is merciful, and he is good, and because his love is a condescending love—a love that stoops down to us because we could not possibly reach up to him—we can hold on to hope even in the midst of the harshest circumstances. Lamech would never know the satisfaction of a realized hope, but God would remain faithful. His rest would come.


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The Promise of Something Better

Daily Question

What are you hoping for today? Does God feel worthy of your hope?

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Comments (11)

I’m hoping to continue to grow in my faith, knowledge & spiritual wisdom & maturity. I am hoping to actually see real evidence of this in my daily life. I’m also hoping for salvation of my lost loved ones.

I am hoping that God will reveal Himself in new ways to my daughter who is struggling with discontentment in her life. That she will have renewed hope as she encounters the Father. I am hoping for renewal and reconciliation in relationships within the family construct.

Amen Amy! You’ve prayed my exact prayer regarding my own daughter and our family relationships.
May Our God make Himself known in your family circumstance, especially concerning your daughter. May there be harmony and love that only comes from God.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen

Sometimes we feel like giving up especially when our country has an election and the results are shocking, similar to what happened in the US we know it can’t be possible. But I have to look to the LORD JESUS and realize that HE IS STILL here with me! HE is my only hope and we have the government we deserve! Our country needs to REALLY LOOK TO GOD !
HE is OUR ONLY HOPE especially now! When mankind has failed us so badly!

I am hoping that the medical staff is wrong and that my daughter in law isn’t going to lose her baby. And I’m hoping that our financial struggles due to long-Covid will turn around

I am hoping that my mother fully heals after a massive stroke. I encourage her daily. I love her so much. I want her to find peace like she is …. Even IF THE LORD CHOOSES NOT TO HEAL HER.

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