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God Keeps His Word

And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Romans 8:23

Watch Week One, Day One

A few years ago, Pew Research did a survey to find out what Americans mean when they say they believe in God. Although they found that a majority of people (56% to be exact) said they believe in God as described in the Bible, only 28% said they talk to God and that God talks to them, while almost twice as many (47%) said they talk to God but that God does not talk to them.1 The thing about statistics is that they always portray numerically what many of us already know experientially. And these statistics are no exception. So many of us say we believe in God, we affirm his existence, we trust what Scripture tells us about him, and yet, we still find ourselves feeling disconnected from him.

Our lives are complicated and, too often, chaotic. We’re daughters, sisters, mothers, friends, wives. We’re students, teachers, lawyers, artists, politicians, doctors, CEOs. Our day-to-day lives pull us in what feels like a hundred different directions, from late nights at the office, to weekends spent chauffeuring kids, to trying our best to be the world’s greatest aunt/boss/sister/girlfriend. Even so, the world continues to turn, rolling out so many hashtags, campaigns, social causes, cries for justice, we can hardly keep up. And while we do our best to manage our hundred-miles-an-hour lives, so many of us do so looking forward to the rest we hope we’ll find at the other side of one more deadline or promotion, one more bake sale or booster club meeting, one more blind date or pound lost.

This is, after all, what it means to live in the twenty-first century, or so we tell ourselves. And while that may be true, our longing for rest, our longing for stability, for something we can depend on, someone we can trust, is as old as time. So, we do what so many Christians have done before us. We pray. We reach out to God—the God we believe in, the God of the Bible—only to find ourselves on the wrong end of a statistic, on one end of what can feel like a chasm of universal proportions.

It’s one of the ironies of life that it’s in the midst of the hard moments, when we feel most disconnected from God, that we’re led to ask the deep questions of faith. Questions like, “Are you there, God? Are you working in the world? Do you keep your word?” The same questions that have been asked by countless generations before us.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to unpack these questions as we study the covenants we find in Scripture. And as we look at how God has worked in the world and in the lives of his people, we’ll be reminded once again that not only is God there, but more importantly, he is here—with us, always present and always working in our world and in our lives.

1 “When Americans Say They Believe In God, What Do They Mean?,” Pew Research Center, Pew Research,April 23, 2018,


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God's Unbreakable Promises

Daily Question

Is there an area of your life—work, home, school, family, relationships, health—where you feel disconnected from God? Is there an area where you desperately need God to show up?

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Comments (13)

I desperately need God to show up in my relationship with my teenage son and in his relationship with God. He’s questioning everything and everyone and I feel like I’m getting it all wrong with him.

It’s interesting to reflect on this. I talk to God all day, we commune with one another all day. But when faced with a enormous decision, as a single woman, I get very restless and pray, pray, call others into prayer, grab His Word, take steps of faith, sit and listen; but I just want His audible voice or some giant sign to affirm yes do this or do that instead. I want to please Him but struggle with large decisions (e.g. promotions) knowing if I am and its what He would want for me.

Yes in my prayer life. I have such a hard time focusing & not getting distracted while I’m trying to pray! I have a hard time “being still” & truly coming into His presence. I also struggle with family & relationships! I have several family members who need a real relationship with Jesus! Please pray for me!

I plan time alone with God every morning. He gives me peace to start the day through scripture and prayer. I’m always waiting to hear from Him. I need to learn to quiet my mind or inner voice, which is the hardest thing to do! I want to find that peace and His voice throughout my day, in the chaos of work, errands etc. As I look to beginning retirement next year, I await His voice for the next chapter in His plan for me. As a mother of 4 and grandmother of 9, as well as a wife I pray for guidance in my next adventure in life! I feel He is calling me to rest in Him and He will reveal it in His time not mine. The Lord has blessed me and answered so many of my prayers! I know He will answer this one as He promised.

The place I usually am the most connected with God is during corporate worship at my home church. Our church lost many members before Covid as a long-time pastor left. We are in a period of revitalization with our now smaller church family. Our staff has changed during the time of Covid as well. I am a lay-leader as I teach Women’s Bible Study. Navigating a new vision for our church, new family as well as those who stayed, ongoing Covid issues is tough. I find myself distracted and not worshipping the God I so love in the way I so want to. I pray I will be able to quiet and trust God to navigate. We won’t have all the answers and we can’t please everyone but we can make much of Jesus as we disciple and make disciples.

I feel disconnected and need to God to show up in areas of my life regarding anxiety and depression. It has impacted my life where I struggle to figure out to navigate a society during COVID times where I am statistically at high risk, yet isolation and safety is breaking my spirit down. This mindset has also impacted my relationships and is not providing a place for me to also overcome my challenges with work, which I need breakthrough in as well. But, I’m working on staying steadfast in Him and trusting him to supply my faith to Him.

I feel disconnected in an internal way. Logically, I know all the right things and am always ready to share Biblical truths with others, but it feels like it has not made it to my heart yet (even after 22 years). I long to feel connected with Him, but I always still feel myself holding back. I am doing this study in hopes of opening myself more to Him and allowing the Holy Spirit to penetrate my heart.

I feel the exact same way! I’m 62 & have been a Christian since I was 19. No one knows the internal struggle/battles I have every day. I also struggle with depression and I’m very hard on myself, according to others.

I can relate to these thoughts shared. Longing to feel connected with Him and his plan and purpose for my life in a tangible way (still after all these years knowing and loving him).

I feel disconnected to God where my family is concerned and in my prayer life. As a mom of three young children, I find myself feeling alone in raising them, making decisions for them, and wanting what is best for them. I often forget to rely on God for these things and forget that he is truly in control. I struggle to remember that he loves my kids more perfectly than I ever could. I also feel disconnected with God in my prayers. I know God is in control, but sometimes I hold back in prayer or in seeking his guidance because I am nervous that he won’t answer my prayers or speak to me. I find myself holding back because then I don’t have to face my faith in Him or my doubt when my prayers aren’t answered or I don’t feel God’s guidance in my life.

I lost my job last year and God showed me Jeremiah 29:11. I go from believing God has a plan to being so depressed I’m barely functioning. I don’t know what God wants me to do.

I too fluctuate between joy and depression. Take every thought captive and turn to the Word when you are down! It also helps lift my spirits to play Christian music when I feel down. Praying for you!

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