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God is in Control

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.

Ephesians 2:4
God is in Control Book Cover

Embedded in the heart of God’s covenantal promises is this powerful truth: before God created a single star in the heavens or set the universe in motion, he planned to send his Son into the world to redeem rebellious and disobedient humanity and to reconcile us to himself through Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. From before the foundation of the world, God desired to know us and to call us into a relationship with him. And this was not because of anything we’ve done or will do, but it is utterly a gift of his grace, out of his will and good pleasure.

This is the theological concept of the sovereignty of God, and it has far-reaching implications for our lives. If this idea is new to you, don’t be overwhelmed: the sovereignty of God is simply the idea that “God is king, supreme ruler, and lawgiver of the entire universe.”4 Abraham Kuyper, a theologian from the early twentieth century, said it this way: “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’”5

God’s sovereignty is expressed and displayed in a variety of ways throughout Scripture, from the divine names of God to his work in creation and his providential involvement in events in world history. The covenants also display his sovereignty, revealing his gracious work of redemption to choose a people for himself through whom he would send the Messiah to save his people and restore them into a right relationship with him.

This imparts incredible meaning and purpose to our lives. We were not created by happenstance or because of some random collision of atoms and molecules that resulted in human life. Rather, our very existence is born out of the heart of God to accomplish his will on this earth. When we embrace this truth, we discover that the mundane parts of our lives take on incredible significance. Our daily commutes become opportunities for communion with God. Bumping into our neighbors becomes a divine appointment to share the good news about Jesus. And our homes become barracks for training in righteousness and godliness as we embrace a kingdom-minded mission to advance the gospel.

God’s sovereignty also speaks comfort into our suffering. Because we know God is in control, we can trust he has a purpose for every circumstance in our lives, including the difficult and painful ones. By faith, we can believe that his purpose for our pain is for our good and his glory. And we can rest in the knowledge that there is nothing outside of his reach.

4 Daniel J. Treier and Walter A. Elwell, eds., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 3rd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2017), 829.

5 James D. Bratt, ed., Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1998), 461.


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God's Unbreakable Promises

Watch Week Five

The Promise is a Person

Daily Question

How does the sovereignty of God impact your life today?

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Comments (10)

As I navigate the grief and pain of a friend who lost her rainbow baby girl at 37 weeks on Tuesday, I cling to God’s sovereignty in the midst of the questions and confusion of why this awful situation happened. I believe He is not far from the grieving and desires to show us His complete plan for it all but we just need to trust in His timing.

Knowing God is sovereign makes my life easier. He is in control, and as long as I don’t try to take control back, I am able to live a full life and get through struggles. When I try to control the situation though, I am a mess! Thank you God for who You are. Help me to always give You control!

Knowing God is sovereign brings comfort and peacefulness to my life. Knowing that God has a plan and is control allows me to lean into him more and more. I do have to remind myself that when I try to take control, I always mess things up. Yet, God is still there to show me grace and mercy.

Knowing God is sovereign brings comfort to my life. Knowing that God has a plan and is control allows me to lean into him more and more. I do have to remind myself that when I try to take control, I always mess things up. Yet, God is still there to show me grace and mercy.

God’s sovereignty impacts my life in ways that bring me peace and allow me to let go. There are things I don’t understand, and I’m not supposed to understand. Surrendering to God and allowing Him to take full control brings me peace and gives me greater trust in Him. I know He is good and He has good plans for my life!

It’s amazing each time I see God’s sovereignty because it means I have no control. And if I don’t have control then I can’t screw it up!
We want to help God, help God. But God doesn´t need my efforts in making His promises come true. So when God reveals His power makes me realize how dependent I am.

Realizing He is behind every circumstance I go through in life. Yes, some are of my own doing, my own wrong choices. But even in those instances, He is not caught by surprise. Instead He is working for my good and His glory to fulfill the purpose He has for my life and His eternal plans. It is because of that, I can trust when things don’t go my way. I can know there is a bigger plan at work.

The sovereignty of God impacts my personal life, spiritual life, and emotional life. It shows that despite all the wrong, God created me to be his child. He is all knowing and will direct our path.

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