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All God Makes Is Good

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1
All God Makes Is Good Book Cover

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it, the world of Genesis 1 and 2? That world is a world where swarms of living creatures filled the earth and sky and water, where vegetation was fruitful, and where man and woman coexisted free of shame and grief and strife. That world doesn’t seem much like our world at all. After all, in our world, animals face the threat of extinction, droughts destroy our vegetation, and man and woman are caught up in a never-ending battle for power and dominance.

And while with its images of idyllic paradise, Genesis 1 and 2 can be hard to relate to—not to mention downright discouraging when we find ourselves living in what can be described as anything but paradise. If we’re going to understand the covenants, the relational contracts God makes with his people, we must begin by understanding something about the God who initiates them. And for that, there’s no better place to start than at the beginning.

If Genesis 1 teaches us anything, it’s that all that God does is good. He brought light into darkness, and it was good (vv. 3–4). He separated the waters from the land, and it was good (vv. 9–10). He made plants and trees to bear fruit, and it was good (vv. 11–12).God spoke an entire universe into existence, and it was very good indeed (v. 31).

Rather than focusing on a day-by-day retelling of how the world came to be, Genesis 2 draws us into the intimacy of God’s creation of humanity. Here, God forms the man out of the dust of the ground. He breathes life into him. He creates a woman out of the man’s rib and brings her to the man to be his indispensable companion. But what is most significant about this retelling of creation, what should stop us dead in our tracks, is that we see a God who took the time, took the trouble, took the energy to make humanity, not out of some feeling of loneliness or wanting for anything, but out of the overflowing abundance of his love.

We see in Genesis 2 that God acts to bring us into relationship with himself. From the light to the land to the animals to the vegetation, he formed all of creation in order to make a place where we could dwell in relationship with him. He created a world for us, a good world where we could be with him.

While our world may no longer resemble the unspoiled creation of Genesis 1 and 2, we can take comfort in knowing that these two truths—that all that God does is good and that all that God does is to bring us into relationship with himself—are not only true of every covenant God makes with his people but are also true of God himself. And that, we can always count on.


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Daily Question

How does knowing that everything God does is good change the way you think about God? How does knowing that everything God does is to bring us into relationship with himself change the way you think about your life?

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Comments (20)

Knowing that what He does is good creates trust in my heart. Reminding myself that He has good intentions, and that I am more to him than a servant or a tool, helps me to submit to him. The beauty of the creation that surrounds me is a daily love letter that feeds my soul.

So many times I am explaining God in human ways and putting Him in a box . Remembering God’s awesome love reminds me that He is so much more than my mind can even understand. A love like His demonstrates that His ways, thoughts, and motives are so much purer and grander than what I can even imagine. His love gives me a Hope I don’t deserve or earn. It is a anchor in my life.

God desires that we have ZOE…The God kind of life. A life of peace, joy, righteousness with vitality. This post is affirming and confirming my personal prayer and devotional time this morning. I am a lover of God’s word and the more I read, meditate and study on HIS word the more likely I will be ready to fight off the lies of the enemy. So while we are not living Genesis 1 and 2 His covenant to us keeps my head lifted and my heart encouraged.

Knowing that everything God does is good gives me hope when everything seems against me. It brings me peace knowing that the God of all creation loves me and wants my good even when I don’t always see it. Knowing that the God who created the universe wants a relationship with me? Well, that’s amazing and no amount of words of praise or thanksgiving are enough! Who am I that He is mindful of me!? THAT makes me feel loved beyond comprehension!

Sometimes I look around and I see the chaos of the world and I have to remind myself that God doesn’t make mistakes. HE doesn’t try to pummel us with the troubles of life…that is the fallen world. That is what we seem to blame all the time is the fallen world. But in looking at it that way I tend to think HE made a mistake in creating things the way HE did. This is not true. This reminded me that God works all things for His good and in turn our good. His desire is to be loving Parent, Friend, and Counselor. It can be tough to see this during moments of trial or testing. I pray that all that was discussed with continue in my mind during my trials and I can remember His goodness and love.

If God says it it’s truth . He is our one true God who wants the best for us . He loves us unconditionally. He longs for us to seek Him so we can find His promises in His covenants in His word . As I learn the history of the Bible I see Gods everlasting truth and love for us through the Old Testament and into the New Testament. The prophets of the old always turned their hearts to God Evan when they rebelled . The saints were just the sinners who fell down … but got up and sought God again ! Who am I but a sinner who seeks Gods Truth . May Gods Truth Be With You Today

I look at my son Dustin for the answer to this question. He was born with a rare genetic syndrome. He doesn’t walk or talk. He has hearing loss and vision loss and receives most of his nutrition via a button in his stomach. He has dilated cardiomyopathy which means this heart of his is on borrowed time. When the world looks at Dustin they feel bad for our family and feel like something is wrong with him. They don’t see goodness in the way he was created but they see brokenness and weakness. There lies the beauty. God has given our family VIP passes to show us that he takes what seems broken and weak and he works in the midst of it. You know, the whole where you are weak I will be made strong thing. God didn’t mess up with the creating of Dustin. He didn’t miss a stitch. His creating was intentional. Dustin is part of what is not just good but VERY good! Easy? No! Good….yes yes yes a million times yes! The goodness abounding from harness has kept our eyes on living for eternity and not the here and now. We have never felt more deeply that this is not our home. We long to see God face to face in a way that we never did before our son.

Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony! Our family’s hard is different with a T1D daughter and daughter with a heart condition, but I can echo your message that we are so grateful this world is not our home and we were created for eternity!! God has always been faithful and good through the hard. I cannot imagine life without trusting in the goodness and sovereignty of God.

It helps me to know that God is and always at work, even when we can’t see him, we can see the good that he is bringing. There have been many times that I have just wanted to give up lately, this battle that is going on in my life is just too much. But as I have been crying out to God, he has been changing me from the inside. I know that if I can stay in his word, I will see things and people differently, the way God sees them.

I can reflect now back on my life and some really hard seasons and see the transformation I had undergo and have now been able to reap his blessings. It’s nice knowing that in the midst of hard times, our relationship with the Lord grows even more (good times too). I know now that even in the midst of struggles good will come out of it no matter how bad it might feel in the moment.

It is good to know GOD created us to have a relationship with Himself. When we get to a very trying time in life we can totally lean on HIM not having to worry about what happens in the world just draw closer to HIM He Will
Take care of us !

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