IF:College – The Next Generation of Disciple-Makers
College is a beautifully unique season. Right now, there is a generation of college women that do not want to see their lives wasted. They are willing to be brave and risk their reputations, their comfort, and even their lives for God’s glory. We have a passion to see college-age women gathered, equipped, and unleashed for His glory and for the good of others.
Our vision for IF:College is to equip student and campus leaders with tools to know God and give him away in the context of community on their college campuses & beyond. We want to invest in these women because they are the next generation of disciple-makers. Additionally, as recent graduates as they transition into the real world, we believe IF:Gathering can serve as a bridge by providing community and tools for holistic discipleship that will help them be prepared to live out God’s calling in their everyday lives.
IF:Gathering from IF Gathering on Vimeo.
Are you a college student that fits the above description? Maybe you a ministry leader on campus that desires to use IF:Gathering tools to equip your students? Or are you a woman that desires to disciple college age women?
Sign up and take the next steps of gathering, equipping, and unleashing the next generation of disciple-makers.

Do you want to be a part of transforming your college campus?