Good Reads- 5th Edition
We’ve loved getting to read these blog posts this week. Read more about the tensions and callings these authors discuss in our Good Reads 5th edition.
Your Anxiety is Not a Sin
by: Ann Marie Miller
My anxiety is a sin?
I get it. I’ve heard the lectures on worry as a sin, and trust me, it’s something I lean into my God for every day. And I believe that not trusting God consistently or even rejecting the desire to trust Him, yes, is sin.
But, Mr. Commenter…and those who think like him, let me clearly say to you my anxiety is not a sin.
And here’s the thing. If I speak to 800 college students and ten of them tell me they’re wrestling with true, clinical anxiety, I’m sure there are a hundred that didn’t say a word who are also living in that shaky, unescapable landscape. Statistics tell me that there are a lot of you who struggle, too. Read More>>
How to Make the Most of the New Year
by: Jeff Goins
For the past two years, I’ve greeted the first of the year with eagerness and excitement. Why? Because these past couple years have been some of the best of my life. And not for the reason you’re probably thinking.
Not because I made resolutions or created new life goals. Heck, I didn’t even have a plan! I continue to have the best year of my life each and every year, because I’ve learned to change my habits.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of challenges in life I’ve yet to overcome, and every day isn’t always a cake walk. But by practicing a few simple habits every day, I’m able to tackle the challenges that come, and do so with confidence.
Here’s what I do (and what I recommend you do) to make the most of the new year: Read More>>
Let’s all be friends: a guide to not worshipping or being worshipped
by: Tsh Oxenreider
We are witnessing a powerful cultural trend of celebrity worship—and I’m not referring to the folks adorning the US Weekly covers. As a member of the Christian subset, I’m referring mostly to us in the Body here, and the pedestal-putting of pastors, writers, bloggers, and speakers.
I’ve had a post rattling in my head for months now, about why this isn’t a good idea, but I felt like I had nothing to say that hadn’t already been said 18,494 times. But then I remembered my own advice that I give people when they tell me they don’t want to blog because everything’s already been said—yes, but we haven’t heard you say it, and if you feel called to write it, the world needs you to have said it (both because you’ll say it differently than what we’ve yet heard, and because it’ll change you for the better). So? Pot, kettle, etc. etc.
I’ll cut to the chase here—when we worship fellow human beings, no one wins. Neither the worshiper nor the worshiped is put in a good place. Here’s what I mean: Read More>>