Bring IF:College to Your Campus
IF:Gathering exists to gather, equip, and unleash women to live out God’s calling our their lives. We are passionate about building safe spaces for women to be authentic and wrestle with essential questions of faith like– “IF God is real… Then what?” That’s where our name came from. Hear more about our vision for women across generations, denominations, and cultures:
Interested being a part? Here’s your chance:
This February 5-6, we’re hosting our third annual IF:Gathering, a two day event where we will set our eyes on Jesus, our salvation and the example of what it means to live in the fullness of grace and truth.

Three simple steps to host an IF:Local
on your college campus:
Step #1 – Register as an IF:Local Host
Why do this? It is so you will get emailed the link to watch the livestream on February 5-6. Register.
Step #2 – Spread the word to your friends
Invite a few friends over. Share videos, graphics, and fliers with your people. Get everything you need to spread the word.
Step #3 – Download the leader guide & conversation cards
Warning: This is probably too much information, but it will help you to know what to plan for and expect. All you need to host an IF:Local is: 1. Somewhere comfortable to hang out for two days, 2. Something to watch a livestream (computer or Television connected to a computer), 3. Conversation cards for discussion time, 4. Ask your friends to bring their Bibles, journals, and few snacks or beverages!
What to download:
We are excited about coming alongside to equip you with tools to know God and give Him away in the context of your community on campuses & beyond. We are excited about investing in you because YOU are the next generation of women that will be leader who live for God’s glory and for the good of others.
In faith,
IF:Gathering Team
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