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Calling all men…

What are you dreaming for your wife?
Do you desire that she knows the Lord more and understands how to use her gifts and story for God’s glory?
Are you looking for an opportunity to invest in equipping your wife or the female staff at your church?

At IF:Gathering, our goal is to equip and unleash women to do the work of making disciples. Learn more>

This fall we’re gathering in Orlando, Florida this September 13-15 to train and equip women to know God & to give Him away. Our desire is to give them an encounter with Jesus that changes them and sends them back into your local church with the right wisdom, tools, and character to make famous the name of Jesus & His Church. Learn more about the IF:Local Leader Gathering details>>

Here’s two of hundreds of stories that we’re hearing from women.

Sheri Schap of Merced, CA shares about what her husband has seen in Sheri as a result of IF:Gatherings equipping:

As soon as I shared with my husband that this gathering was happening, HE signed me up and told me, “I don’t care what this costs, you’re going.” I asked him why he was so quick to say yes and he said, “because I believe in what IF is doing.” He’s seen me changed because of what God is doing through IF and it’s changing him, too!

Kim Wideman of Lubbock, Texas shared with us why she is coming to the IF:Local Leader Gathering this September:

Because God, and my husband, said so! Seriously though, I had been shrinking back from using my gifts for a very long time before this last year. After the Lord’s consistent nudging, and my husband’s encouragement, and a precious friend’s pursuing…I was blessed to be a part of helping to host If:Lubbock this year. Seeing 200 women from over 30 different churches around our area come together earnestly seeking Jesus was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen!




This Mother’s Day make an investment in the women in your life.

In order to help make it possible, we’re offering 10% off of ticket price now through Mother’s Day. Use the discount code: FORHER. View the gathering details here.



We would love for your wife, your daughter, or the women on your church staff to join us because we believe that they are a part of ushering in God’s kingdom in this generation.

In faith,

-The IF Team

P.S. Want to learn more about IF:Gathering? View our vision packet.