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At IF:Gathering 2015 this February 6-7, we are going to talk about faith. Over the last year, we have seen God do incredible things in the lives of women, and we believe God for far more this year.

To prepare our hearts for our time together, we are going to study the life of Joshua starting January 19th for the next 3-weeks. We love Joshua’s example because he was a leader that believed God, despite the difficult circumstances he faced. And as a result, God did what the Israelites did not believe was possible.

Hear from Jennie Allen about the inspiration for this study.

Join us next Monday, January 19th, for the start of our study together. We are excited to begin wrestling through unbelief and will fight for a deeper faith in God. Invite other women to join you. Sign up get the daily devotional sent to your email.

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Below you will find information that we hope will help in better understanding of the life of Joshua.

Background on Joshua:

  • Joshua’s story starts in Numbers & ends in the book of Joshua

  • Took place between 1530-1420 B.C.

  • His name means ‘a Savior’ or ‘a deliverer’

  • He is the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, the successor of Moses as the leader of Israel

  • Joshua led the Israelites to take possession of God’s promise land

Foundational Events:

  • He is mentioned first in connection with the fight against Amalek at Rephidim, when he was chosen by Moses to lead the Israelites. (Exodus 17:9)

  • He was one of the twelve chiefs who were sent, to explore the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:17)

  • Joshua & Caleb were the only two that returned and believed the Israelites could take the land (Numbers 14:6)

  • Before Moses died, God directed him to give Joshua authority over the Israelites. (Numbers 27:18)

  • Joshua assumed the command of the people at Shittim (Joshua 1:1)

  • A miracle happened at the fall of Jericho and produced fear in the Canaanites that were later defeated

As we journey through Joshua’s life, we are praying that the Lord transforms your minds and hearts with His Word. We are ready and expectant for the journey and growth that God has in store for us during this study & IF:Gathering 2015!

In faith,

Jennie Allen & The IF:Gathering Team

P.S. It is not too late to join us February 6-7. Register to watch the gathering on your own time or to join an IF:Local in your area.